Worship & Music

web THE MEANS OF GRACE_RFS7641Here at Grace, worship every Sunday centers on the Word, and Holy Communion is celebrated at every service. We use numerous musical and spoken ELCA liturgy settings throughout the year. Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation are shared with the entire congregation as part of our worship services.

Children participate in leading worship each month for Family Service. Each Wednesday during Lent we worship in the evening. While we often have families with several generations who come to worship on Sunday mornings, our doors are always open to newcomers. We welcome you to join our warm and caring family.

Music is an integral part of worship at Grace. We have a beautiful pipe organ, baby grand piano, and hand bells.

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir meets to rehearse during the week and on Sundays before worship. New choir members are always welcome.

Bell Choirs

Grace has adult and youth bell choirs, which meet weekly for rehearsal and play at worship services frequently.

Sunday School Choir

The younger members of our Sunday School sing at each of our Family Services.


Grace hosts a number of concerts throughout the year, including performances by different outside music groups.


Installation of a Konzelman Pipe Organ was completed in 2005. The console has two manuals and a pedal, and the organ consists of 12 ranks and 9 voices with 798 pipes in two chambers, which are under expression with separate swell shutter controls, except the Great Principle Chorus arrayed in front of the chambers. An Oboe rank was installed in 2008, and in 2010 a Solid State Logic Ltd. Digital Interface was installed to accommodate a new Allen Organ Ensemble system and a Yamaha MDF3 Record Playback system. Nationally renowned professional organists have played at Grace since the organ’s installation.Horz Grace Pipes clr